“basketball–it’s just a game…”
May 17, 2009, 5:21 am
Filed under: babble | Tags: ,

…as the kid says in the NBA commercial.

Today I have to remind myself of that as I am experiencing, once again, that sunken feeling from my team’s elimination, one so familiar during this time of the year. But at least this time around, that feeling came seven games later than the last few years. It was a tall order to beat L.A. in game 7 in their glitzy, star-filled arena without our star players and our tallest player on the floor being a foot shorter than our opponent’s. It was expected even if I felt guilty having that expectation.

I have some counseling work to do on myself when I am possibly feeling it more than the players themselves. My body physically aches, I have no appetite the whole day, I am in withdrawal from the company of others.

I feel like Jimmy Fallon in Fever Pitch, except my loyalty to the team has no effects on another right now. Ugh…I will stop now. I’m going to curl up and take a nap.

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